INFO-PASS is a resource sharing program of the St. Louis Regional Library Network that began in 1979 with 35 libraries. It is open to any member who wishes to participate and currently has about 75 members. An INFO-PASS is a printable form that, when signed by a librarian at the home library, allows a patron of a member library to have access to materials from another participating library in the program by either using materials in the library or checking the materials out where permissible.
INFO-PASS forms will be issued to patrons by the library to which they belong (the home library) to be used at a designated library (the lending library) within the network on a one-time basis per INFO-PASS. For any additional use or renewal, another INFO-PASS is required.
An INFO-PASS will only be issued to patrons in good standing who have a special need for materials which the parent library cannot provide. If a patron loses the borrowed materials, the home library must pay for these materials. Therefore, the home library should be notified when materials are overdue.
Each library that participates in the INFO-PASS program will designate a person(s) within its library who will determine whether or not a patron needs an INFO-PASS. This person(s) will also decide at which library the INFO-PASS will be used.
Please see the St. Louis Regional Library Network Membership List to find participating libraries. To see up to date contact information for participating libraries, please check the Directory of St. Louis Regional Library Network Members. You will need to be logged into your active SLRLN membership account in order to use the directory.
For assistance gaining access to the directory, please contact
Eligibility of INFO-PASS UserThe eligibility of an INFO-PASS user must be determined by the home library. While each home library may establish its own criteria for issuing this form, the following criteria will be used to determine a patron’s eligibility:
Procedures for using INFO-PASSHome Library
Lending Library
INFO-PASS AbuseIn the case of abuse or non-compliance with rules as they are set forth, an initial phone call should be made by the concerned library in an effort to solve the problem. Repeated problems with the same library should be brought to the attention of Network Council. Council will review the situation, work with the libraries, and attempt to rectify the problem. If there are continuous problems with a library, that library may be dropped from the INFO-PASS program upon review by the Network Council. Types of Abuse